Express Med

Our Company History

Our Company History

How We Began

Express Med was founded in Charlotte, NC by, owner, Brandon Raleigh. What began as a mere thought of entering into entrepreneurship, quickly became a reality.

The idea spawned as Brandon’s parents experienced medical debilities concurrently in 2021. His mother was suddenly diagnosed with cancer during the time his father was already suffering from vascular issues in his lower extremities that caused him to be temporarily wheelchair bound.

Fortunately they both recovered a year later with treatment, but this left an indelible impression on Brandon. Understanding the difficulties they experienced with specialized transportation, he found that this was an all to common issue for others as well. With that, Express Med was born.

Our Mission

At Express Med, our mission is to provide unmatched service excellence. With such a diverse set of clients with various transportation needs, we are extremely focused on high quality, excellent value, integrity, reliability and safety.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build an ecosystem that far exceeds the reliability and quality of our competitors. We strive to cultivate an environment of mutual trust and respect with our clients, by connecting our clients to the industry’s most knowledgeable, and sought after providers. By nurturing such relationships, we can not only lessen the information gap, but we can also create synergies through communication and cost effectiveness. With our hyper-focus on maintaining high quality service by being on time and reliable, we can put our clients at ease through times that may be stressful. As we continue to build relationships, we will seek to constantly improve our skills and the quality of our products and services through the eyes of our clients.